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Category: CAT

Common Summer Pet Dangers

We sometimes forget about pet safety precautions during the thrill of summer activities. Here is a list of the most typical summer risks to be cautious of both at home and when on the go.

-Check your pets for fleas and ticks on a regular basis

 Even if your cat lives indoors, it might catch fleas and ticks, especially if you have a dog who goes outside. Aside from the risks of infestation, if you detect a tick on your pet, keep an eye out for probable Lyme disease symptoms. Lethargy, lameness, and fever are common early signs.

Use a high-quality flea and tick product on all pets in your home to ensure they are free of parasites.Products for dogs and cats are not identical. As a result, use the product that is especially intended for your pet’s species and weight. It is important to note that using a flea and tick solution intended for canines on cats can be fatal.

-Car rides

 Leaving a dog in a hot car is the quickest way to lose them. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DOG IN THE CAR IF THE OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE IS OVER 65°! In just a few minutes, a car may reach unbearable temperatures. If you believe you’ll only be gone for a moment, don’t take the chance of leaving the dog in the car. Additionally, it is NOT a good idea to let the dog ride next to you unsecured. Sudden stops can result in fatalities, internal injuries, or shattered limbs. security first.

-Dehydration and heat stroke

 If you’re taking your dogs on a road trip, a long walk, or an outing, don’t forget to bring lots of fresh water. Limit exertion on hot days and be sure to keep your overweight, thick-coated, short-nosed dogs hydrated even inside as they have a more difficulty breathing in hot weather and while they’re exercising.

-Bee Stings

Call your us right away if your pet has a bee sting and the area starts to swell. We will be able to provide over-the-counter medicine or provide advice on how to proceed.

-Paw Burns

If the pavement is too hot for your foot, it’s also too hot for your dog, who might get paw burns. Smart walking. Try to walk on grass, in a shaded place, or at a cooler time of day to avoid the heat of the pavement. If the dog accepts them, another option is to put shoes on it.

-Water Safety

Don’t assume that all dogs are water-loving or competent swimmers. Never attempt to persuade a dog into swimming. If your dog likes the water, it may be a lot of fun, but use appropriate water safety. Make sure your dog can easily exit the water anytime he wishes and that he is not allowed to swim independently. Put your dog in a life jacket whenever you travel on a boat with him. Prior to licking its fur, make sure your dog hasn’t consumed any outside water and has been rinsed off after swimming to get rid of any chlorine, salt, germs, or pathogens.